Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Lost Post

Suddenly it seems that everything our government departments and councils send out is liable to go missing. At least that is what it seems like from a media perspective – and it's all the fault of politicians!

It's this obsessively focused "investigative" reporting which creates inordinate focus on single issues, by blowing them up into meganews, that makes it so difficult for any politician – of any persuasion to do his or her job.

What about the responsibility of the carriers who were supposed to be undertaking safe delivery of the items? What about the responsibility of the mailing departments? No one seems to be blaming them!

But then we are all human beings – we all make mistakes, we all have "off" days; but in our society mistakes are things other people make (and shouldn't).

Perhaps in our so-called tolerant society we need to learn to be a bit less critical of each other and a bit more tolerant of other people's mistakes.

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