Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Carbon Footprints

Oh the delicious irony of it all! On the BBC News at 6pm yesterday there was a feature on the miles our food travels to reach us, with much agonising over shipping chilled cherries from Chile. Just a few minutes later we saw houses ablaze with decorative lights – and we were invited to send in pictures of local examples. So much for carbon footprints.

Yes, carbon use is important but you cannot focus on just one aspect of our carbon emissions; it is a total lifestyle thing.

For the record I have flown twice in my life – once in 1974 (Wick to Shetland and back) and again in 2004 (Aberdeen to Heathrow and back). I doubt if I'll bother again. My total annual car mileage (including business use) is about 12000 miles. I have a caravan which I use to holiday within 50 miles of my home. No queues, no hassle, very restful. I recycle and compost as much of my waste as possible. My wife and I are vegetarians.

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