Saturday, January 5, 2008

Tread Lightly for You Tread on the Future

These days we hear a lot about Carbon Footprints and we are constantly being reminded that each one of us should be more aware of how our lifestyles may affect the planet.

As someone who has been aware of the environment for decades – I stopped using CFCs in 1968 – and who has been recycling and using energy-efficient bulbs for many years, it is important that we take account of how we use the resources of our planet. We cannot wait for governments to take action. We need to do it ourselves. There are some simple steps we can take which would help greatly.

  1. Reduce our energy consumption by insulating our homes, lowering our thermostats, using energy-efficient lighting, switching off all chargers and stand-by buttons on equipment that is not being used.
  2. Join your local Freecycle which enables you to offer unwanted items to others in the area.
  3. Recycle as much waste as possible – and not just at the kerbside – use local collection points.
  4. Reduce or eliminate leisure air travel – I have never flown to a holiday destination. If we undertook to have only one holiday abroad per year and took others in our own country, it would help our local economy and reduce our carbon footprint.
  5. Use public transport where it is possible and/or reduce our car mileage – this year our total household mileage, including business mileage, has been curtailed to less than 10000 miles.

These personal steps, if undertaken by each one of us, would have a significant impact on our Carbon Footprint.

It's time to tread lightly on our fragile planet or it may crumble beneath our feet.

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